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We invest in smart people solving difficult problems.

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Empowering Entrepreneurs.

We invest in smart people solving difficult problems. Our mission is to generate world-class investment returns over the long term.

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About Wavelaunch VC

What we do:

Wavelaunch provides seed funding for startups. Seed funding is the first round of a company’s investment capital. While you’re getting started, it covers your expenses. Some startups may only require an initial investment. Others will have to go through multiple rounds. There is no one-size-fits-all solution; the amount of capital you require is determined by the type of business you establish.

Our goal at Wavelaunch is to help you get past the first phase. This usually translates to: get you to a position where you’ve created something outstanding enough to raise funds on a broader scale. We then connect you with later-stage investors and, on rare occasions, acquirers.

We’re more than just funding:

In exchange for small ownership in the companies we fund, we make required investments.

Every venture investor contributes capital and expertise in some form. In our case, money is by far the least important factor. In fact, many of the firms we support do not require funding. We think of the money we invest as being similar to financial aid in college: it’s there to help people who really need it to pay their bills while Wavelaunch is going on.

What happens at Wavelaunch?:

Working with startups on their ideas is the most important thing we do. We’re growth-centric companies that have spent a lot of time working out how to create things that people want. As a result, we can typically identify where a little concept should be expanded or where to start targeting a vast but vague one fairly quickly.

At this point, the questions range from seemingly trivial (what to name the company) to terrifyingly big (the long-term plan for world domination). We normally help entrepreneurs come up with initial responses to all of them over the course of a couple of months.

Onboarding, Funding & Partnerships:

Wavelaunch invests a small amount of money in a large number of startups twice a year. Each year, we have two batches: one from January to March and another from June to August. To apply to Wavelaunch S22, you just fill out an application form. We invite the most promising companies to meet with us, and then we make financial decisions. Our program lasts for three months. During those three months, we work on our partner companies and bring them to a standard held by their successful competitors.

We also assist founders in dealing with investors and acquirers. Yes, we can introduce each other, but that is a simple task. We devote far more effort to training founders on how to pitch their startups to investors and how to close a deal after interest has been established. We provide not only guidance but also protection in the second phase; potential investors are more likely to treat you well if you come from Wavelaunch because how they treat you decides whether we will steer deals toward or away from them in the future.

Our Wavelaunch umbrella has some of the most brilliant minds and advisors working under us, spread throughout various industries. We can’t buy the kind of counsel we give because anyone qualified to give it is already wealthy. It’s only available from investors.

For many, VC is all about money. For us, it’s about people.

At Wavelaunch, we work closely with companies to help them get in the best shape possible before we pitch them to our investors.

Direct Investment:

We believe in your idea when no one does. The direct Investment process by Wavelaunch is the easiest way for the founders and entrepreneurs to raise funds and bring their ideas to life.

Cumulating human intelligence and AI algorithms, our team analyses your business’s potential with the risk associated with it. We call it WaveScore. Based on your score, we help you with the financial and intellectual support, based on your requirements.

Wavelaunch Advisory:

Working with startups on their ideas is the most important thing we do. We’re growth-centric companies that have spent a lot of time working out how to create things that people want. As a result, we can typically identify where a little concept should be expanded or where to start targeting a vast but vague one fairly quickly.

Our Wavelaunch umbrella has some of the most brilliant minds and advisors working under us, spread throughout various industries. We can’t buy the kind of counsel we give because anyone qualified to give it is already wealthy. It’s only available from investors.

MVP & Pre-Launch:

Minimum viable product (MVP) is a concept from Startup that stresses the impact of learning in new product development. A crucial tenet of the MVP concept is that you create an actual product that you can give to clients and monitor their actual behavior with it. Observing what people do with a product rather than asking them what they would do is far more reliable.

Wavelaunch excels at supporting diverse startups with the pre-launch process, intended to help them realize the viability of their products and services. Our objective is to empower startups with the best minds who can think, implement and build amazing products.

External Funding Network:

Wavelaunch considers itself as a ‘founder-focused and investor-driven platform’. We have been successful at providing entrepreneurs a source of finance by bringing together a large number of investors passionate about innovation. From our network of 500+ angel investors and venture capitalists, we help startups meet investors who are as passionate about the idea as the founders are.

Our investor’s network includes renowned personalized from the startup world who have been into your shoes and know how to approach problems. Here, our goal is to unleash the power of entrepreneurship in order to solve big problems with the smartest minds.

To apply to Wavelaunch S22, you just fill out an application form.

Our goal? To unleash the power of entrepreneurship in order to solve big problems with the smartest minds.

Let’s get your company onboard.

We work on our partner companies and bring them to a standard held by their successful competitors.

Apply for S22
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