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University Partnerships

We invest in smart people solving difficult problems.

About the program

Wavelaunch’s University Partnership Program is a startup-mentorship program designed specifically for university students. The course is designed to help students develop & grow their startup as a whole, and raise necessary funds to move forward in their entreprenurial journey.

The average fundraising round for startups generally takes 12 months or more, with only 4% of companies being successful. Wavelaunch, on average, cuts fundraising time in half, and 70% of our partnered students are able to raise capital successfully from VCs, Angel Networks and even Educational Institutions.

Program Benefits

The Wavelaunch University Program is designed specifically to help students launch and grow successful ventures.

MVP Launch

Get best-in-class product development service — website, pitch deck, all under one roof.

Product Development

2-mo’s full of CEO and startup training, mentorship, and coaching from serial entrepreneurs and veteran investors.

Investor Network

Get in front of 100’s of investors with a strong fundraising plan at our Demo Weeks and ongoing intros to investors throughout the program.

Community Access

An online community of like-minded founders, investors, and mentors to learn from and build your network.

Advisors & Mentors

Our Mentors and Advisors represent the top 3% of entrepreneurs – IPOs, millions raised, M&A – they’ve done it all.

100% Equity Free

Retain full ownership and control of your company because all of our accelerator programs are equity-free.

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Why we work with educational institutions

The Wavelaunch network is always looking for investment opportunities at seed or pre-seed levels.

According to a study performed by our partner analysts, the biggest pool of early-stage startups emerges from universities and other educational institutions. It’s an astonishing fact, as well as a commendable one, that more than 50K startups each year are produced by students globally.

Our network consists of universities of high standing, such as, NSU, INSEAD, Stanford Business and more, and are continuously expanding our student-focused network all over the globe.

Join the network
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We’re a troop of consultants that come with a 10X mindset and have an aim not just to deliver meaningful impact, but also to be involved in end-to-end business solutions and lead the transformative change.

For the founder, an MVP is a constant analysis and decision-making process. It requires both business and technical expertise.

You need a strong will, excitement, and talented programmers on your side. But, be aware that even this cannot ensure a successful launch of an MVP.

Wavelaunch helps entrepreneurs to create digital products from idea to launch. We accompany you throughout the entire research, coding, and project development process.

Your startup needs a solution that’s scalable, fast-growing, and user-friendly. A clean and enriching UI/UX landing page can do it all.

Our team defines the scope of work based on your expectations and requirements.

We offer design services for our team of designers and web developers that are ready to design a user journey, user experience, and interface suitable for your future web development project.

If you are looking to invest or raise capital for your startup, it is essential that you are armed with the best pitch deck & justified valuation with perfection in forecasting.

Wavelaunch helps you build your documents and refine them until it is complete for the investor’s eyes – which increases your chances of getting funded!

A well-designed pitch deck and financial model can increase your chances of receiving finance by up to 70%.

We accumulate our expertise and network to help entrepreneurs solve their business problems. Our aim is to help companies get in the best shape possible before pitching them to investors.

When you collaborate with Wavelaunch, you receive a team of super-active partners that will work alongside you on both major and minor difficulties. Whether it’s developing a fundraising strategy or considering your organizational design, our advisors are there for you through the ups and downs of your journey.

With a global network of 5000+ investors with decades of experience, Wavelaunch helps you connect with the right investor who believes in your idea as much as we do.

A seed fund is used as funding for the initial stage of a new business or startup. They are funds for those businesses which are growing and need money till they start generating money on their own.

Wavelaunch helps its partners with pre-seed and seed-level investments from the most appropriate investors.

We provide an online community of like-minded founders, investors, and mentors to learn from and build your network. Wavelaunch has connections with more than 25,000 stakeholders from all around the world, working in various sectors and capacities.

In partaking into the program, you get access to this big pool of global networking opportunities. If you’re a founder, investor, mentor or any individual working in the startup ecosystem and would like to join our networking list — please fill out the joining form.



Capital growth


Raised for Startups


Companies Acquired



Frequently asked questions.

Alex Martinez   

Wavelaunch VC’s University partnership program is a start-up mentorship and investment program for university students with promising ideas. Through this program, we aim to leverage our decades of business expertise and strong network to help young entrepreneurs grow their ventures and achieve their potential. 

We strive to be the first true believers in the future innovators and disruptors – to have confidence in entrepreneurs when the rest of the world fails to understand their vision. We are committed to supporting and empowering these founders, and building ventures that define categories and create markets.

Our university partnership program is tailored to assist entrepreneurs in realizing their full potential by offering a range of services, including but not limited to:

  1. Investment funding: Startups in the university partnership program have access to investment funding from Wavelaunch VC to help them grow their businesses.
  2. Mentorship: Wavelaunch VC’s network of experienced mentors and advisors provides startups with guidance and support to help them navigate the challenges of starting and growing a business.
  3. Resources: Startups in the university partnership program have access to a range of resources, including legal support, marketing services, and business development tools. Additionally, startups may have access to university resources such as research facilities and technology transfer offices.
  4. Network: Wavelaunch VC connects startups in the university partnership program with other entrepreneurs, investors, and industry experts to help them build relationships and grow their businesses.
  5. Community: The university partnership program fosters a supportive community of founders and entrepreneurs who can learn from and collaborate with each other.

We view ourselves as long-term partners who are invested in the success and growth of the companies we work with. Therefore, our collaboration is not just limited to investment. We intend to build businesses together.

While the selection process for the program is competitive, it is designed to identify potential and not progress. Our selection criterion does not follow a strict template, but generally involves an application, initial screening, pitch presentation, and due diligence. Throughout the process, our focus is on 3 key parameters – the problem, the solution to the problem, and the team behind the problem. The selection process may take anywhere between 2 to 12 weeks based on the stage and situation of the start-up.

No, there is no particular charges to take part into the program. If your startup is accepted into the program — Wavelaunch VC will fund most of the operational and development costs associated with running and growing your business until the next funding round.

However, there might occur specific charges given the nature of your venture. In those cases, we do not offer fixed-price packages or rely on pre-made pricing templates, as we prioritize gaining a comprehensive understanding of each startup unique requirements. This generally requires a brief conversation about your project goals, timetable, budget, scope, and other issues.’ in a professional tone.

The Wavelaunch VC’s University partnership program supports a wide range of start-ups across various industries, including but not limited to:

  1. Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  2. Healthcare
  3. Education technology
  4. E-commerce
  5. Software as a service (SaaS)
  6. Cybersecurity
  7. Internet of things (IoT)
  8. Biotechnology
  9. Climate Technology

Wavelaunch VC is looking for start-ups with high potential for growth and innovation, as well as a strong team with a solid business model.

Wavelaunch VC’s University partnership program can vary depending on the specific needs and circumstances of each start-up. The support provided to each start-up is tailored to its unique requirements, and the program will continue for as long as necessary to help the start-up achieve its goals. Therefore, there is no set duration for the program.

Having said that, over 80% of our partnerships last between 6 to 24 months, and the median partnership duration is 18 months.

Yes, start-ups can participate in the program remotely.

Yes, start-ups can participate in the program while key contributors are still attending university. We understand that many start-ups are founded by university students or recent graduates still pursuing their studies. Therefore, the program is open to all entrepreneurs, regardless of their university affiliation or geographic location.

However, Wavelaunch VC expects all start-ups in the program to be committed to their venture and dedicate the time and effort to move their business forward. The start-up must have a clear plan for balancing academic obligations with the demands of running a business. To this extent, we provide support and resources to help start-ups navigate the challenges of balancing academic and entrepreneurial pursuits.

Yes, start-ups can participate in the program while key contributors are still attending university. We understand that many start-ups are founded by university students or recent graduates still pursuing their studies. Therefore, the program is open to all entrepreneurs, regardless of their university affiliation or geographic location.

If you are not a university student, you may fill out this form to apply to Wavelaunch VC’s university partnership program.

Wavelaunch VC provides extensive networking opportunities to its community members, including founders, entrepreneurs, industry experts, and opinion leaders. We’ve seen every type of company, sector, and approach imaginable, and we make a point of sharing what we know (along with hard-won lessons from our prior businesses) in weekly working sessions between partners and founders.

If we encounter a challenge or question that we don’t have the solution to, we take it upon ourselves to locate the appropriate resources or experts who can help. We believe that it is our responsibility to provide founders with the best possible guidance and support, and we strive to make this process as simple and efficient as possible.

Finally, we have a real-world database of hundreds of specialists from various functional areas of hustlers who have extensive experience working both inside and outside the Wavelaunch portfolio.

Suppose a startup encounters a challenge or has a question in a specific area, such as restructuring its sales force, conducting an A/B test on its landing page, or calculating its CAC and LTV. In that case, we can set them up for a call, coffee, or meeting to solve the problem and propel them forward quickly.

By providing access to this network of specialists, our attempt is to solve problems quickly and efficiently.

You may fill out this form to apply to Wavelaunch VC’s university partnership program.

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Application for summer 2023 is currently open.

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